Can I modify child support or custody orders after the divorce?

Jennifer Paulino, New York managing attorney | Marble Law

Jennifer Paulino

New York managing attorney at Marble Law

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can modify custody under certain specific circumstances.
  • Grounds for modification include but aren’t limited to: parents agreeing or one parent moving, remarrying, being deployed, or neglecting the child.

You may be able to modify child support or custody orders after a divorce. In New York, you must prove that there’s been a change in circumstances that warrants this modification. Many parents find a family lawyer essential to custody modification, especially when the other parent is abusive or uncooperative. 

Here are nine reasons a judge in New York might change custody:

Both parents agree to the modification

If both parents support the modification, the court will typically approve the change unless there are concerns over the child’s health or safety.

A parent intends to move away

Custody orders frequently specify where the custodial parent may reside. Although the court—and the other parent—may allow the custodial parent to move, the move may justify modifying custody.

If the noncustodial parent intends to move and wants to take the child with them, the same factors apply. The fact that the parent doesn’t already have custody—and why—may factor into the court’s decision. Ultimately, the outcome depends on the child’s best interests.

A parent remarries

When one parent remarries, their living environment may change dramatically enough to modify custody. However, the remarriage must genuinely affect the child in order to justify modification.

One parent interferes with the other parent’s rights

If the custodial parent withholds or interferes with visitation rights, the noncustodial parent may request the court suspend alimony or maintenance payments. Repeated interference may justify custody modification.

A parent is deployed or returns from deployment

A deployed parent typically creates changed circumstances justifying a custody modification. The parent returning from deployment also qualifies—automatically.

A parent is incarcerated

A court may consider a parent being in jail or prison for more than a brief period as changed circumstances. The length of incarceration, charges and whether conviction occurs factor in on a custody modification request.

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A parent abuses, abandons or neglects the child or another household member

In the context of familial relationships, New York defines abuse as inflicting or creating a substantial risk of physical injury to a child or sexually abusing the child. Neglect occurs when a parent fails to provide adequate supervision or care.

A parent who commits these acts may lose custody, visitation rights or parental rights. The parent may also lose custody if their abusive actions are directed at someone else in the child’s or the parent’s household.

An adult's hand gently holding a child's hand, symbolizing care.

Someone else petitions for custody

Special legal provisions allow grandparents to petition for custody in specific, limited circumstances where the parents are unfit. Others, such as current or former foster parents, may be unable to gain permanent custody unless both parents lose their parental rights.

Child Protective Services removes the child

New York’s Child Protective Services (CPS) may get involved if someone raises concerns about the child’s safety. If CPS investigates and concludes abuse or neglect has occurred or is occurring, it may remove the child from one or both parent’s custody.

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